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The Lilac Hour

The Lilac Hour was a sprawling multimedia, out of gallery exhibition spanning multiple buildings in the abandoned Ashcroft Ghost Town, 11 miles from Aspen, Colorado. 

Beginning with a series of written texts, an intention to illuminate my grief, and hold onto my own  memories, I remembered family and home, bringing gentle attention to both the beauty and transcendence of youth and the pain of loss. Using both flora and human forms, my imagery attempts to represent the grand effort of existence. While attempting to capture a memory, the veiwer is swept up in vibrant hues with pronounced light and endless negative space. 


Installed in a number of the abandoned Ashcroft Ghost Town buildings, the works respond to the lack of human presence in the space by bringing attention to the spaces between. Memories are ever-changing representations of a moment we think happened but can never be revisited in a reliable form. Never the real thing, always a facsimile. And with each repetition of the memory, the original moment becomes more of a ghost. 

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